Hot Oil Massage – Thai Massage Salon in Nowy Targ.
We warmly invite you to Yaowares Massage Salon in Nowy Targ for a unique experience of Thai massage with the use of hot oils. Our qualified and experienced massage therapists will ensure your comfort and relaxation throughout the entire session. Through precise pressure and stretching techniques, they will relax your body from head to toe, restoring harmony and energetic balance. The hot oils we use during the massage nourish and rejuvenate the skin, providing numerous moisturizing and firming benefits.

It is the cradle of natural medicine as its oldest element was created in India five thousand years ago. Massage with oils soothes the nervous system, boosts the circulatory system, supports the digestive system, oxygenates the body, cleanses the blood. It boosts the energy and improves well-being in both the mental and physical sphere.
Massage with oils positively affects the acceleration of productions of hormones in the skin. It is famous for its regenerating and rejuvenating properties.
We recommend this type of massage for active people and seniors.
This massage is great for people suffering from depressive states. Thai massage with oils is a combination of strong classic Thai massage and massage with oils. Masseurs from Thailand using compression and outstretching techniques will relax our body from head to toe.
Calm your mind and relax your body.
Medicinal properties of Thai massage with oils
This massage helps to relax the body, treat depression, remove toxins from the body, regulate the flow of blood and lymph and nourish, moisturize and firm the skin.

Thai massage contraindications
In the situation of increased body temperatures (above 38 degrees), inflammatory conditions, contagious and viral diseases, skin diseases, first days after sprains, bruising, pregnancy, menstruation.