Thai massage in Nowy Targ for children and teenagers.

We welcome parents and children to our Thai massage salon in Nowy Targ for a special massage designed for children and adolescents of all ages. Our professional staff will ensure that every child feels comfortable and safe. With gentle massage techniques, we can help your children reduce stress, increase body flexibility, and improve their overall well-being. We aim to help your children relax, strengthen their body and mind, and most importantly, provide them with a pleasant and safe experience. We believe that Thai massage will bring many benefits to your little ones. We invite you to join us!

Thai massage helps to relax the body and mind of a young person who is facing difficult and stressful situations.

These days not only adults but also children and teens are exposed to stress. Thai massage helps to maintain a good physical condition, so it is complementation to sports activities and competitions. Massage is also helpful when it comes to in end-of-term-examinations, exams or tests by keeping a satisfying level of focus.

We recommend two types of massage for children:

  • Classic Thai massage
  • Relaxing massage with oils

A Thai massage is a form of art that is not only relaxing individual parts of the body but also known for its analgesic properties. By relaxation of muscles and joints, it provides the child with freedom of movement. It provides the child with relaxation and improves general well-being. A small child stretches the muscles and joints when going from the embryonic position to the straight one. During the time when the child gradually learns to coordinate his movements, massage has a very positive effect on his body. The massage supports the condition of muscles and joints, increasing their flexibility.

Our experienced and educated staff will advise you on what kind of massage is indicated for your child.

Masseuses have diplomas from the most recognized massage schools in Thailand. Their professional approach will choose not only the best type of massage but also its intensity in accordance with the age of the child being massaged.

Professional masseuses for whom Thai massage is a natural medicine.

At what age we recommend a massage for a child?

Thai massage is recommended for the youngest children, school-age children and youth. It also works well as complementation when it comes to therapy for autistic children. We recommend classic Thai massage to children over 13 years of age. Relaxing massage with the use of natural oil is recommended for younger children.

The effects of massage on the health of our children

Classic Thai massage and massage with the use of oils for children helps to destress the young child’s body, increases physical fitness and endurance of the body. It strengthens muscles and joints, increases body flexibility, relaxes, helps to maintain the appropriate level of focus. Here you will learn more about the cosmetics that we use.

Thai massage is calming for children regardless of their age.


It is best to reschedule the massage to some other time in case of ongoing illnesses and diseases with high temperature, inflammatory conditions, skin diseases, asthma, cancer, deep wounds, approx. 7 days after vaccination, in case of bad well-being, within 1 hour from a meal. If you have any doubts or questions please contact the child’s doctor. If the child does not want to be massaged we should respect that. We will show him the massage salon and we will introduce him to the personnel.

Thai massage with oils in Nowy Targ
Natural oils for massage.